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Sergey Laptick

Sergey Laptick

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 2 savaites

Types of Tracking Systems. How to Monitor Anything from Animals to Construction Equipment


Tracking systems have become integral to large companies' business processes and average individuals' lives. If you're lost in an unfamiliar city, you can always rely on your smartphone's GPS capabilities to find the quickest path to the railway station. For those who manage a large fleet of vehicles, the same technology can become the basis for a complex management system that tracks their assets and maximizes resource utilization. As one technology can shift forms so quickly and become either a tourist assistant or a key cog in the mechanism of a large enterprise, imagine how many possible tracking systems are out there.

The number of possible combinations of tracking devices and the ways you interpret the data you get from them result in too many types of tracking systems to name them all in one article. Instead, we'll categorize the most widely used of them to help you navigate such a diverse universe.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 3 savaites

How to Finish a Construction Project on Time, Within the Budget, and not Run Out of Resources


#Construction projects are often challenging due to multiple reasons. You deal with internal factors, such as workers availability or unpredicted project delays. It's solvable and doesn’t look like a big deal, especially if you have a well-trained team. Unfortunately, there are also external issues that you have no control over. For example, bad weather causing delays in work. Also, the assets you work with are of a different nature. Your management team works with both human and non-human resources, which may be tricky sometimes. You can leave all these factors unattended to prevent the project from going astray.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 1 mėnesį

How Not to Drop Your Crown. Features That React Will Surprise Developers with in 2024 and Beyond


For quite some time now, React has been the most popular technology. According to Statista, in 2023, React was used by 40.6% of software developers worldwide, which makes it the most popular frontend framework. And we're not talking about some niche React enthusiasts here. It was adopted by such prominent companies as Meta, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb, and many others. According to the StackOverflow annual developer survey, React was one of the two most popular frameworks and technologies for five years in a row, competing for first place with such JavaScript tools as jQuery and Node.js.

React seems to be doing great, but how long can it hold the palm of victory? There are many other efficient JavaScript frameworks and libraries. React should provide new features, and its ecosystem should be replenished with new third-party tools to compete with them. Today, we'll look at what exciting features React offers to JavaScript developers to maintain its leading position in 2024: 

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 1 mėnesį

Data Aggregation Techniques for Effective Data Analysis. Reviewing Key Concepts

Daily interactions between businesses and customers generate tons of data. It can help companies shift from intuitive to data-driven decision-making when collected and handled right. However, vast raw data datasets are uneasy and barely possible to analyze.

Luckily, many techniques help summarize them into manageable insights. They seem pretty straightforward at first sight, but effective data aggregation demands sophisticated understanding and strategic application:


How to Aggregate Data for Better Data Analysis - XB Software

In this article, you will learn the key concepts and benefits of data aggregation, and how to apply different data aggregation techniques to various datasets.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 2 mėnesius

Technology Indistinguishable from Magic. What Decision Makers Should Know about Generative AI


Generative AI has become a hot topic after the ChatGPT release. The reason is mainly because previous groundbreaking technological leaps, such as the wide distribution of personal computers or the Internet, could only help realize one's potential. In their turn, generative platforms introduced a dramatic change to what a specific individual can do. Such solutions can not only improve the way you perform routine tasks but also allow you to do things beyond your skill set, such as drawing or writing code.

It's no wonder that businesses quickly recognized the importance and potential of generative artificial intelligence. However, since this technology is relatively new and complex, it may be challenging to understand how it functions, which tool better suits specific needs, and its possible drawbacks. Today, we'll try to fix that: What Decision Makers Should Know about Generative AI

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 3 mėnesius

Code Rewrite vs Code Refactoring. Choosing the Best Code Transformation Tactics


Implementing a perfect software solution on the first try is impossible. At some point, developers may start suspecting their codebase is a complete mess and doesn't correspond to what they had in their heads at the beginning of the project. It happens often and sometimes forces developers to make urgent code adjustments even before the product is launched, and users begin to find undetected bugs. As Fred Brooks wrote in The Mythical Man-Month, "The management question, therefore, is not whether to build a pilot system and throw it away. You will do that." It's not an action guide but rather a metaphor that nevertheless gives some clues about the state of affairs in the software development industry.

After the launch, the situation doesn't usually improve in the long run. Technical debt, obsolescence of initially used technologies and techniques, and other factors make code changes unavoidable. Here, developers have multiple options for getting the job done, but the choice is often between rewriting the code from scratch and refactoring it.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 3 mėnesius

How and Why Companies Create Digital Replicas of Real-life Objects. Five Examples of Using Digital Twins in Different Industries



Sometimes, you have to deal with complex or unique entities that exist only in a single copy. Suppose you build an experimental wind turbine that has the potential to revolutionize green energy. The next step is to determine how well different parts interact with each other and find possible ways of improving their efficiency. Say you have some ideas on improving your invention, but building another model to validate your ideas is way too expensive. What could be the best way to solve this problem?

It is quite a significant issue for many industries that can’t follow the trial-and-error method. For example, in architecture and construction, you can’t rebuild cities multiple times before you find the optimal infrastructure model, and doctors don’t have endless attempts to cure their patients. In these cases, digital twins may become pretty helpful.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 3 mėnesius

10+1 Technology Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2024

The weather outside is frightful, but the upcoming tech trends are so delightful that no one can resist reading another article about what awaits us in 2024. We completely understand that urge. Therefore, today, we'll share 10 (plus a bonus one) tech trends worth your attention in 2024.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 4 mėnesius

Busting Common Myths Regarding Legacy Software Modernization


In today's rapidly digitizing world, legacy systems can become a powder keg for your business, but the thought of updating all systems can also be daunting. In this article, we'll debunk five myths about legacy modernization and discuss why it's essential:


5 Myths About Software App Modernization - XB Software

In today's rapidly digitizing world, legacy systems can become a powder keg for your business, but the thought of updating all systems can also be daunting. In this article, we'll debunk five myths about legacy modernization and discuss why it's essential.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 4 mėnesius

Pros and Cons of Distributed and Centralized Architectures. Comparing Monolith, Microservices, and Distributed Monolith



In the good old days, an average web application's structure was relatively simple. The n-tier architecture typical for these times represents what almost every person imagines if you ask them how a web app is built. Namely, there should be a backend part, a middle-tier business logic part, and the UI for users to interact with the system. That's precisely how you build an app as a monolith.

Cloud-based applications have brought new requirements, challenges, and patterns. Agile delivery of new features as a quick response to rapidly changing user demands and requirements has become quite a challenge. Plus, the resources should be utilized optimally to reduce the cost of building and maintaining such complex structures. As a result of these demands, the microservices architecture appeared:


Monolith vs Microservices vs Distributed Monolith: A Comparison of Architectural Styles - XB Software

In this article, we will compare and contrast three architectural styles for software systems: monolith, microservices, and distributed monolith. We will discuss the pros and cons of each style, as well as their most suitable scenarios.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 5 mėnesius

How to Build an Excel Add-in With React


Tech industry giants spend enormous resources on top-notch solutions development to cover the needs of an average person from a vast user base. However, you're not an average person, and your business's requirements may lay far beyond what an average company in the market needs. Thus, the question may arise about how to expand the functionality of familiar office applications, for example. Rebuilding such complex systems as #Microsoft Excel from scratch to access additional functionality is quite an extensive task in terms of time and resources.

Luckily, you can relatively easily add extra features to Microsoft Excel, be it a button for quickly calculating a specific formula or a function for deleting duplicate records in large data sets:


Excel Add-In Development Using React - XB Software

Today we will consider how you can use React to build your own Excel add-ins to add custom functionality to this famous spreadsheet editor.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 6 mėnesius

Quantum Computing: Today's Glimpse into Tomorrow's Computational Frontier


The term "quantum computing" may sound like something you usually hear and see in a sci-fi movie. However, the first models of such a machine were introduced in the 1980s, so at least the quantum computer concept is not new. Operating with classical bits, traditional computing systems have served us well for decades, but they encounter limitations when confronted with highly intricate problems.

#Quantum computing, on the other hand, offers a compelling promise: the ability to solve problems once deemed unsolvable at once inconceivable speeds. McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, has identified it as one of the next big trends in tech that could account for nearly $1.3 trillion in value by 2035. Let's dive into the foundational concepts of quantum computing and explore the vast potential such systems offer across different fields

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 6 mėnesius

How Co-browsing Helps Businesses Overcome Problems Hand to Hand With their Clients


The intention of every business to make its customers' experience as enjoyable as possible takes many forms following the current state of technology. Today, you won't surprise anybody with AI chatbots helping customers understand how a particular product or service works. They're available 24/7, have instant access to the company knowledge database, and can analyze user input accurately and quickly. However, sometimes, nothing replaces live communication with a real person.

Some online activities that customers perform may not be very intuitive. Poor UX practices, too many functions gathered inside a single application, or non-obviousness of the wording used may cause confusion among end-users. In this case, co-browsing can be a decent solution

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 7 mėnesius

Project Management Life Cycle Explained in Five Easy Steps

Under the surface of every business success that we witness, well-planned and flawlessly executed projects represent the path an idea takes to its realization. The more innovative business ideas you wish to implement, the more complex and resource-heavy projects you'll have to deal with. Under such conditions, a strong project management discipline has strategic importance. It can help align the company's efforts toward reaching global strategic goals in time.

While every business has its project management specifics, some aspects remain the same from one company to another. Therefore, you can master your understanding of core activities involved in project management to minimize the need for improvisation with an unobvious outcome:


5 Phases of the Project Management Life Cycle Explained - XB Software

The project management life cycle consists of 5 key steps: 1.Initiation; 2.Planning; 3.Implementation; 4.Monitoring & control; 5.Closure. Let's take a closer look at these phases in our article.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 7 mėnesius

How Inbound and Outbound Logistics Work, and How to Make Them Work Better


The #logistics network is the foundation of every business dealing with physical goods. Whether you manufacture high-precision measuring electronics or sell tennis balls, you want to ensure supply and demand are always fulfilled. Often, supply chains are very complex to manage "as a whole." Tons of intermediaries and multiple involved indicators to monitor require fracturing significant things into smaller parts which simplifies the overall management and helps detect bottlenecks more efficiently.

Dividing complex supply chain processes into inbound and outbound logistics is a pretty intuitive way of improving your effectiveness by focusing on things that are easier to handle. 

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 8 mėnesius

How to Train Your PHP Skills. Projects And Libraries With Open Source Code

Despite not being the hottest topic lately, PHP still holds the bar as one of the most popular and sought-after technologies for web development. According to the latest Stack Overflow survey, it’s still in the top 10 in the list of #most-popular-technologies-language-prof">most popular languages. Regarding the breadth of use, PHP is the king of the hill. As W3Techs shows, PHP code is running on 77.4% of all websites around the globe.

All the above shows that PHP is still worthy of your attention in 2023 despite multiple more modern alternatives. To gain new knowledge in writing better code, whether you use PHP or any other programming language, you, among other things, can dig into someone else’s code. It helps to understand how certain things are built, learn best coding practices, and find inspiration for your own projects. Today, we’ll consider some PHP projects with open source code that will help you to sharpen your skills:


Top PHP Projects And Libraries With Open Source Code - XB Software

Let's check out the PHP projects with open source code in 2023 to boost your portfolio and skills: 1. Personal Relationship Management System 2. Email Sending Library 3. Event Management System 4. Test Data Generator

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 8 mėnesius

7 JavaScript Concepts to Keep in Mind in 2023 and Beyond


Stack Overflow developer survey 2023 just dropped, and for the eleventh year in a row, JavaScript holds the top spot of the most commonly-used programming language. It's a breathtaking achievement, but it's hard to say that no one expected this. Statistics show that it is used on 98.7% of websites as a client-side technology nowadays. Moreover, it can take care of the server-side code as well, and by the way, Node.js ranks first among the most common web frameworks and technologies in the same survey. Considering this, there's no wonder the number of JavaScript enthusiasts grows daily. However, mastering your craft as a JavaScript developer involves understanding things that lay beyond basic syntax:


7 JavaScript Concepts That Every JavaScript Developer Should Know and Follow - XB Software

In this article, we will explain with detailed examples the 7 JavaScript concepts, like: Hoisting, JavaScript Closures, JavaScript Promises, Async/await end ect.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 8 mėnesius

What’s a Data Governance Framework and How to Implement One for Your Business


The flow of organizational data must not be left uncontrollable. When information flows ceaselessly across vast digital networks, companies face an ever-growing challenge in managing and safeguarding their valuable assets. The exponential growth of business data, increasing regulatory requirements, and evolving consumer expectations have necessitated the use of data governance frameworks. They serve as essential roadmaps, guiding businesses toward responsible data practices while ensuring transparency, compliance, and trust:


What’s A Data Governance Framework And How to Implement One for Your Business - XB Software

In this article, we'll explore what a data governance framework is and how to implement one for your business. By following best practices and utilizing technology solutions, you can establish a strong foundation for data-driven decision making and achieve business success.

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 8 mėnesius

Top Sales Tools and Technologies. What to Look out for in 2023



Gone are the days when professionals relied solely on traditional methods to close deals in sales. A new era has dawned, where innovative technology empowers sales teams to navigate the complex terrain of modern commerce with unprecedented precision and efficiency. With modern tech, forward-thinking companies are reaping the benefits of enhanced productivity, accelerated sales cycles, and deeper customer engagement.

However, it can sometimes be confusing where to start if you want to adopt some breakthrough software solutions to improve the effectiveness of your sales team. Suppose you're still doing business old-school, relying on paper workflow. In that case, the first step towards modern standards should probably be adopting a digital document management system. But where to invest if you already know how to do business with modern CRM systems? Today, we'll consider some important tech trends that will help you improve the management of sales operations in 2023 and beyond:



The Best Sales Technologies Trends to Watch in 2023 and Beyond - XB Software

Let's talk about the hottest sales technology trends to watch in 2023 that will help you improve the management of sales operations! 🚀

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Sergey Laptick

prieš 9 mėnesius

Imperative vs Declarative Programming. What are Their Major Features, Pros, and Cons?


Currently, there's no shortage of programming languages. On the software development planet, industry veterans peacefully coexist with newcomers. For example, there's growing interest in making Rust (appeared in 2015) a second language to C (appeared in 1972) for the Linux kernel. Also, something new appears regularly. As soon as the whole world seemed to agree that Python is the best programming language, Mojo appeared to address Python's performance and deployment limitations. The world of programming is quite versatile and bursting with innovation. Whether you're an experienced web developer or someone who writes code for fun, you'll find the language that best suits you.

However, some things are above a particular language's syntax and other features. The programming paradigm determines the approach to solving a problem using code. Many modern languages support various paradigms, so adherence to a specific problem-solving strategy won't necessarily lead to the necessity to learn a new one:


Declarative vs Imperative Programming Paradigms - XB Software

In this article we'll consider the key differences between imperative programming and declarative programming paradigms, including their major features, pros, and cons.

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